843Mag's Instagram Feed, curated by Emily Peugh

843 Magazine hired Emily Peugh to manage its social media presence. In just two months, Emily’s social media strategies grew engagement by 200% and increased reach by 230%. She also incorporated local business partnerships in her social strategies to create irresistible content and grow brand recognition. Now 843 Magazine’s followers know they can expect to see content on their channels that really speaks the love language of downtown Charleston! One of the key success factors of this project was to successfully reengage the existing social media audience across 843 Magazine’s channels.  Emily found that 843 Magazine’s audience had disengaged with the content and needed to find a way to get them excited about the magazine’s content again.  To reengage 843 Magazine’s desired audience, Emily created relevant, click-worthy content and paired it with compelling calls to action. She also researched and identified hashtags that were essential to gaining visibility with the broader audience the magazine desired to attract and retain.